Avatar World

Avatar World

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Welcome to the world where you can become anyone! Enjoy the freedom of editing and create the city of your dreams. You don’t have any tasks, so you can take up any activity at any time. Decide how you are going to have fun today and head to the fantastic city of Avatar World!

Become the best designer

The first thing you are probably going to do in Avatar World is to create a new character. It is interesting that you can design many models and choose which one you want to control. Go to the editor mode and pick up the empty figure to start forming a new avatar. So, in case one of the avatars becomes too bored, you can always give it a friend.

Cute graphic style of the game will make the process of constructing the avatar even more pleasant. You are going to take pleasure, watching the vivid colours and slight details of the costumes. And if you won’t find the colour that you need, you can always alter the object. Choose the colour scheme, size and placement of various parts of the outfit.

Not only the clothes, but the whole appearance itself is capable of making your hero stand out from the crowd. Give your model a unique haircut and dye it in some crazy colour with the help of various tools that the game suggests. And don’t forget about the beautiful accessories that you can install anywhere.

Live your life

When you are done with the dressing up, another part of the gameplay starts. You are going to appear in the blank and boring room that will turn into your house pretty soon. All you need to do is to select the wallpapers and floor, put some furniture and purchase some sort of decorations to make your house cosier.

Avatar World doesn’t require you to gain money to buy all the adornments and clothes, so you can make the most of it. All the doors are open for you and only you decide which one you are going to enter first. Check out all the features that the game suggests and combine them however you wish.

Even the routine in this amazing project can become captivating. Here you can clean the house, cook dishes and even wash the clothes. Just try to interact with the appropriate objects by dragging them somewhere. Or let your model do something with the item by clicking on it.

The gameplay in Avatar World offers thousands of possible combinations and activities and you will have to experiment with the surroundings to unlock all of them. Although, some objects can be found only in particular locations, so spend some time investigating the town, looking for something interesting.

One of the most pleasant details in the game is that the models can react to the things they do or see. They will show funny facial expressions and make movements to show that they are surprised, happy, sad or terrified. And so will do your pets, if you decide to adopt a cute kitty or puppy.

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